Saturday, November 26, 2011

High School Basketball Teams

Designing graphical sports posters is one of my passions.  There's nothing like creating something from nothing.  It's about as close to being an artist as I can get.  Here are some posters that I did for this basketball season....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Sports

Here are some individual player pictures that I took of my women's flag football team.  These are just a few of my players

High School Basketball team

Here is a poster of a high school basketball team that I created.

The Latest Shoot

Did a quick photo shoot earlier today with a handsome young man.  A.K.A. my son ... LOL
Here are a few of the pictures:

A new model

I haven't posted in a while.  Sorry I haven't been keeping in touch.  This post is photos of a young lady that allowed me to do a photo shoot recently.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Giving Back

Last month I took some pictures for Enchanted Closet.  Enchanted Closet is a non profit organization geared towards teaching young women about the real world and how to become successful in life, regardless of the situation they are raised in.  I took some pictures of the Speaker for the day as well as all of the girls participating in a flash mob style dance routine.
Hope you enjoy.