Saturday, May 14, 2011

Starting Point

Every business has a starting point.  C&W Photography's starting point or introduction to the rest of the world all relied on one couple that I met through a family member of a friend.
I met this couple and they immediately made an impact on me.  We had 9 months before they were getting married and we worked out a low payment for them in order for me to experiment and make them my first paid wedding.  We started off by doing a photo shoot to help each of us get comfortable with one another.  The first shoot was a flop.  I got home and just about all of the pictures were overexposed.  I almost got sick after viewing them.  I had to call them up and ask them to come back out the next day to try again.  I'm sure that made them real comfortable with me LOL.  The second shoot went pretty good.  We then did a 3rd photo shoot in a studio that went ok.  The couple showed excellent patience with me as I was learning what and how to do what I wanted to do.
We finally did our last pre wedding photo shoot in downtown Duluth Georgia and those were the engagement photos.  Those pictures came out great.  The wedding photos were ok, but I missed some poses that I should have gotten.  I give myself a C+ on my first real wedding shoot.
Now it's a year later and they are celebrating their 1st anniversary.  I put together collage of all the photos taken of them and put in on a 16x20 template and frame.  Here is a copy of that collage.

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