Saturday, July 23, 2011

Great Clients

You meet all kinds of people in the photography business, some good, some not so good.  People take advantage of photographers all the time.  Sometimes they don't even realize it.  They don't recognize the cost of the product you offer or take into account your time and labor.  It can be a difficult business to manage because a photographer loves to take pictures and clients know this and will frequently undercut the financial value of what you're offering them.
Anyway, with that said, I took pictures of a couple of great clients earlier this week and their family.  They are clients that I consider friends, but when it comes to business they treated my work as if I was a top of the line photographer.  They didn't look for or even want a hook up.  They respect the work that I do and insisted on paying for it.  If every client was like this I would have already left my day job.
Here are some of the shots I took of them.

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